
Giuseppe Papallo Chef

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For me, cooking is an act of love, a form of transcendent meditation that always leads me to true satisfaction, to happiness.

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A passion for fine cuisine

Born and grew up in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Giuseppe Papallo moved to Casole d’Elsa in Tuscany, at the age of nineteen. He did so in order to passionately pursue his work at the Michelin-starred restaurant “Il Colombaio”, where he was trained by the Italian-Swiss Chef V. Digrande. Since then Giuseppe Papallo has collected many experiences, but he has never left the sweet Tuscan landscapes he fell in love with as a young man.

A childhood spent in the mountains of Carnia has shaped the strong character and tastes of young Chef Giuseppe Papallo, who cannot forget the influence of his southern roots. These, in fact, lead him back to his father in Calabria, and even today, Giuseppe loves to interpret the beauty of these two worlds through the simple and genuine ingredients offered by nature.
The chosen raw materials, of the highest quality, are the main source of inspiration for his dishes and creations.

Giuseppe Papallo Chef Firenze
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The universe is nothing without the things that live in it, and everything that lives, eats.

J. A. Brillat-Savarin

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I believe that creativity is not just an innate talent, but a process that comes about through the development of curiosity. Curiosity only grows if it is driven by a strong desire to carry out an important project.

Giuseppe Papallo

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